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can you make a Brower?

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This looks amazing! You may have just given me an idea on how I want to handle UI for a game project I will be working on.


DOOM when

never, for now at least

But can it run DOOM?

Deleted post

pretty cool project. the mini games are great. It reminds me of the manjaro system I have installed in dual boot. Is there any way to use this as your actual OS?


Even though I am not the author I can safely say that sadly it's impossible

there might be a way to use this as a DE. Still working on it

reminds me of those recreations of windows xp/vista/7 you used to get on newgrounds, except way more convincing. great work!

(super bit boy is really fun btw, would love to see more)


Please add more levels to super bit boy its so fun!!!!!!!


Make sure your browser is up to date. If it's not working you may have an old PC, the downloadable version should work.

if ur talking about itch i just reinstalled recently; and my pc is really new

Oh, if you're using the itch app it might be a bug there. Try opening the game in Firefox or Chrome and see if you're still getting the error.

I know I shouldn't but I want to configure it to use at least a different small folder in my system, any way how?


Unfortunately there's no way to do that, the game is hard coded to use its own folder. This was intentional to protect your files since the file manager I built could have bugs in it, and the 2nd update actually fixes one where you could corrupt your files by copying them.

You can do the opposite though: Copy your folder into GodotOS' files and work with it from there.


ThE CuBe~ 


You made a genius thing! 


That's a neat idea. Godot always seemed to be useful for more than just games, with the way it's structured. Would love to see more of GodotOS in the future :)


I'm looking at a lot of very wholesome and well intended comments about how it could be a very interesting and smooth OS, but I think we all are looking it at the wrong way. 

Not only this project is another example of the capabilities of Godot as a perfect general software development framework (not only restricted to videogame development, but of course the main focus will always be that)... 

But this open-source project gives us the perfect capability of easily including full-fledged desktop environments to our own projects! I would love to see this on other Godot projects where the terminals inside the game are diegetic and interactive (Like on Prey (2017), Doom, ULTRAKILL). 

Disinfection is a Godot game with diegetic interfaces like that


Wow, that's impressive !
Imagine programming in Godot on Godot OS

(4 edits) (+4)

Since this is open-source, I wouldn't be surprised to see a fork of this developed into a fully-fledged operating system, similar to a Linux distribution. Godot's limits are being blown wide open and there's really no telling where its potential actually stops.

As a side note, an, "OS," like this would be a great home area, hub, or lore-friendly computer interface in a digital-based visual novel, investigative game, or point-and-click adventure game. Especially if miniature applications like functional text editors, configurable clocks and calendars were included for role-playing purposes. A light, functional desktop environment within a video game could revolutionize immersive simulation in gaming in pretty unexpected ways.


What if I told you I am going to do just that? I will use this as a base for a Desktop Environment.


How interesting, keep me updated on how it goes!

(1 edit) (+1)

Will do! I would like to talk with you a bit more tho. Could you send me your discord or anything else?

Edit: I think I sent a friend request by accident. my discord is similar to my name


Intresting project love the the fact that it was made in godot,

:D  😃


bit boy my beloved


with how many different games i've played, it was  a real surprise when I couldn't find a single horror aspect. Pretty fun.

(+6) users when they play other things that aren't horror games with cryptic lore
Shocked Black Guy | Know Your Meme

tbh once i clicked what i thought was a cute little game about baking and it turned into a horror game within like 5 minutes 😭

jesus, do the people on this site play any other kind of game that isn't a fnaf copy or some other type of indie horror, like hell they even got the freaking farm games for pit sake

theres visual novels too.

imagine google alllowed

that will be the end of Windows


Holy cow, amazing

WOW, very impressive!

This Year is the Year of GodotOS


best thing i have seen so far


"You cant just make a OS shell in a game engi-"


This was a pleasure to play. Super Bit Boy is an inspiration.


I love the idea and the design, I also enjoyed played Super Bit Boy -nice name hehe-, Keep up the good work!


Nice Idea. Like this desktop environment.


I can only iImagine a new version of "Uplink" with this. 💗