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Love the idea of this game, hopefully more updates coming soon.

Damn, this seems really cool, and I want to keep playing, but I can't make it past the second guy :(

Maybe I'm just a slow old man, but I found it really hard to hear, process, and remember the exact order the attacks come in. And it's frustrating to have to keep restarting.


It's definitely not you, the harsh difficulty curve was because I ran out of time, sadly! I was planning on way more but unfortunately I had a different game jam at the same time.

So only 2 fights made it in. I decided to make the latter difficult to give players a bit of a challenge before the game ends. Definitely something I hope to fix in the future with more content and an easier on-boarding, but thanks for playing regardless.

The audio work needs a little bit of work and the inconsistency of the tempo (I assume to throw players off?) is more infuriating than fair.
Otherwise it's a pretty okay idea, but could use a lil polish and flair here and there.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback. The changes in tempo were meant to make the game more like a rhythm game rather than just memorizing directions. I totally get that it's not as intuitive as it should be, and may be too difficult to get used to. Hopefully I can amend some of that and polish the game more in a future update.